21 dagen – Kaapstad Victoria Falls safari via Namibië

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21 dagen
Kampeer Groepsreis
Kaapstad - Victoria Falls
Zuid-Afrika, Namibië, Botswana, Zimbabwe
Min leeftijd: 12
Max deelnemers 12
Tour Details

Deze kleine internationale kampeer groepsreis start in Kaapstad en eindigt in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Een heldhaftige en avontuurlijke reis dwars door Namibië, Botswana en Zimbabwe. Inclusief een bezoek aan Fish River Canyon, de wilde dieren in Etosha Pan National Park, de Okavango Delta, Sossusvlei in de Namibwoestijn en de onvergetelijke Victoria Watervallen!

Download Tour Dossier


Kaapstad; Fish River Canyon; Namib Desert – walk Sossusvlei dunes; Swakopmund; Brandberg – rock paintings; Etosha National Park – game drives; Okavango Delta – mokoro excursie en bush wandelingen; Makgadikgadi PansVictoria Falls


Participatie tour: 3 nachten in lodges met tweepersoons kamers en verder overnacht je op campings met warme douches (15 nachten). Twee nachten word er wild gekampeerd. Wij zorgen voor bucket showers met warm water van het vuur. We voorzien ook in matjes en stoelen met rugleuning. De tenten zijn groot, gemakkelijk op te zetten en beschikken over klamboes.
Limited Participation: Een noodzakelijk onderdeel van de safari is de deelname aan bepaalde werkzaamheden. Van het opzetten van de tent tot het inpakken van de truck in de ochtend – dit is allemaal onderdeel van jouw avontuur. Je reisleiders zullen alle maaltijden voorbereiden maar we vragen de deelnemers wel om af en toe (op rotatie) mee te helpen met het op- en afruimen en de afwas. Er zijn een aantal lange reisdagen die zeer vroeg starten en dan is het heel plezierig als iedereen zijn steentje bijdraagt en we samen werken om de dag efficiënt te laten verlopen.


Kinderen van 12 jaar en ouder zijn meer dan welkom mits ze samen met de ouder(s) reizen. Wanneer je ouder bent dan 65 jaar is een gezondheidsverklaring noodzakelijk.


Reis je alleen dan wordt je ingedeeld bij iemand van hetzelfde geslacht en dus deel je een tent. Indien je alleen reist en een eigen tent wenst te hebben komt er €350,- bij (single supplement)

Hotel Pickup

Deze tour start om 08:00 uur op dag 1 van de tour vanuit Sweetest Guest Houses. Extra overnachtingen voorafgaand aan de reis kunnen we voor je bijboeken!

Start & Eindpunt

Kaapstad – Victoria Falls


Ca. 06:30 a.m. op de dag van vertrek


  • Max 12 deelnemers
  • Professionele reisleiding
  • Transport in minibus / safari truck
  • 20 ontbijt 16 Lunch 12 Diner
  • Entree van genoemde excursies en nationale parken
  • 6 nachten in kleinschalige guest houses, chalets en 13 nachten kamperen
  • Flexibele betaalmogelijkheden
  • Geen boekingskosten of creditcard kosten
  • Dekking Garantiefonds
  • Dekking Calamiteitenfonds (enkel voor NL)


  • Visumkosten
  • Persoonlijke uitgaven
  • Reis- en annuleringsverzekering
  • Vliegticket (op aanvraag bij te boeken)
  • Shuttle van/naar het vliegveld (op aanvraag bij te boeken)
  • Optionele extra's
  • Slaapzak en kussen
  • Drankjes

Day 1 CAPE TOWN [guest house - - -]

(B=breakfast, L=lunch, D=dinner)
Departing, after a tour briefing, from Cape Town at 08:00am we visit Hout Bay harbour en route to Cape Point Nature Reserve and then the African Penguin colony at Boulders Beach. We sample some of Cape Town’s culinary wonders at a local restaurant in the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront (own expense).

Day 1: Breakfast not included
Day 1: Lunch own expense
Day 1: Dinner own expense

Includes: Entrance fees to Penguin colony & Cape Nature Point.
Distance/time: ±150km, 3h30 actual driving time, but with stops, penguins and lunch it is a full day out.
Overnight: Sweetest Guesthouses – is a collection of individually decorated houses in a metropolitan area of Cape Town near the V&A Waterfront. The group may be spread amongst any of the houses, within walking distance of each other, and the group
breakfasts will be taken in the same house. Rooms are twin with en-suite facilities (or similar guest house). WiFi available.

Day 2 CEDERBERG [camping BLD]

(B=breakfast, L=Lunch D=Dinner)

The Cederberg is a massive rock wilderness with giant sandstone boulders that have been sculpted by wind and rain into bizarre and artistic shapes. We head north to the Cederberg and explore the rugged landscape on foot before relaxing in chalets for the evening.

Day 2: Breakfast provided by the guest house
Day 2: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 2: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance fees, and walk in the Cedarberg
Distance/time: ±250km, 3h30 actual driving time, it’s a relatively short hop north and we expect a total travel day of ±4h30
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers

Day 3 GARIEP RIVER [camping BLD]

We make our way into the more arid regions and upon entering Namibia, we stay at a lodge on thevGariep River. Namibia’s southern border river flows quietly and peacefully and the river valley is hardlyvaffected by tourism. The riverbed is sandy, the water clean and clear. Time free for swimming andvrelaxing or you can venture down the river in canoes (own expense).

Day 3: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 3: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 3: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: N/A
Distance/time: ±500km, 7h00 actual driving time, today is a stretch and with a border crossing (variable) we expect a travel day of ±9h00
Optional Activities Half day canoe safari
Overnight: Felix Unite, Felix Unite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, restaurant & bar


The Fish River Canyon, situated along the lower reaches of the Fish River, is one of the most impressive natural beauties in the southern part of Namibia. With its depth of up to 550 metres, the Fish River Canyon is the second largest canyon in the world. We make our way to the canyon and in the afternoon watch a spectacular sunset as the sun slips over the canyon’s rim.

Day 4: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 4: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 4: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance fees to look out point at Fish River Canyon.
Distance/time: ±300km, 4h00 actual driving time, our first long gravel sections, we expect a total travel day of ±4h00.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool, and shop.

Day 5 - 6 NAMIB DESERT [camping BLD]

The parched Namib Desert has endless orange dunes blown into sharp ridges by the sand-shifting wind and at Sossusvlei, they form a gateway into the Namib Desert. We will walk to Sossusvlei, explore Sesriem Canyon and from the comfort of our lodge outside the national park watch dramatic sunsets over the world’s highest sand dunes. (If you prefer not to do the 4km walk to Sossusvlei there is an optional own expense 4WD transfer)

Day 5, 6: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 5, 6: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 5, 6: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance fees to Sesriem Canyon and Naukluft National Park
Distance/time: ±550km, 7h00 actual driving time, through magnificent scenery but it’s long total travel day of ±9h00
Optional Activities: On arrival at Sossusvlei the guide will walk with the group into Sossusvlei (+/- 3.5km). For those clients who do not want to walk, there are 4WD vehicles that can drive you in. The 4WD is an own expense (+/- N$85 each way) and is optional.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, shop.

Day 7 – 8 SWAKOPMUND [guesthouse Bx2 Lx1-]

Swakopmund is a popular seaside resort with a slightly nostalgic atmosphere, characterised by numerous colonial buildings. In terms of flora, both the Welwitschia Mirabilis and the Kokerboom grow on the stony plains of the Namib and many beautiful specimens surround this coastal town. Swakopmund is also the adventure activity capital of Namibia. Day free to explore the town or try dune boarding or sea kayaking (own expense).

Day 7: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 7: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 7: Dinner will be an own expense meal at a local restaurant
Day 8: Breakfast provided by the guest house
Day 8: Lunch will be an own expense meal
Day 8: Dinner will be an own expense meal at a local restaurant

Includes: N/A
Distance/time: ±350km, 5h00 actual driving time, this gravel road is very rough and we expect a total travel day of ±8h00
Optional Activities: Sand boarding, Skydiving, Ocean canoe safari, Scenic flights & many more
Overnight:Dunedin Star guest house – twin share rooms with en suite facilities. Telephone &
restaurant. WiFi in the main building.

Day 9 SPITZKOP [camping BLD]

Beautiful desert landscapes. We move north along the arid coast to the Cape Cross seal colony before heading inland to set up camp under the Spitzkoppe, huge granite domes rising out of the desert. Enjoy a magnificent sunset. We’ll take a short walk to explore the area.

Day 9: Breakfast provided by the guest house
Day 9: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 9: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance to Cape Cross seal colony.
Distance/time: ±250km, 3h30 actual driving time, we head along the coast to the Cape Cross seal colony and on through lunar landscapes and expect a total travel day of ±6h30.
Overnight: Campsite – basic ablution facilities.

Day 10 UGAB WILDERNESS [camping BLD]

Our next stop is the Brandberg where we camp next to the dry Ugab River, home to the rare desert elephants. We explore the mountains on foot with our local guides, who lead us through this region adorned with rock art.

Day 10: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 10: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 10: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance to see San Rock Art and guided walk with local guide.
Distance/time: ±170km, 2h30 actual driving time, a short hop on a gravel road with beautiful scenery. Including our activities expect a total travel day of ±4h00.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool.

Day 11 - 12 ETOSHA NP [camping BLD]

Etosha National Park, “the great white place of dry water”, in the game rich northwest corner of Namibia offers a variety of wildlife. We take game drives around the huge dry pan to find the elephants, herds of antelope and lions around the waterholes before we camp at Okaukuejo with its flood-lit waterhole. (Subject to animal movements we may use any of the 3 camps in Etosha.)

Day 11, 12: Breakfast provide by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 11, 12: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 11, 12: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance fees to Etosha National Park. Morning and afternoon game drives.
Distance/time: ±400km, 5h30 actual driving time, the road can be rough and with an afternoon game drive in Etosha we expect a total of ±8h30 in the vehicle on day 11. On day 12 we are gamedriving in the national park.
Optional Activities: Night game drive in National Park vehicles.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool, restaurant, bar & shop

Day 13WINDHOEK [guest house BL-]

The charm of the city of Windhoek lies in its harmonious blend of African and European cultures and the friendliness of its people. We arrive late in the day and enjoy a restaurant meal (own expense).

Day 13: Breakfast provide by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 13: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 13: Dinner own expense

Includes: –
Distance/time: ±400km, 5h00 actual driving time, good tarmac road and a stop for market shopping, we expect a total travel day of ±6h00.
Overnight: Klein Windhoek Guest House – twin rooms with en-suite facilities, swimming pool, restaurant & bar. WiFi available.

Day 14KALAHARI [camping BLD]

Crossing into Botswana we overnight in the heart of the Kalahari. We take a walk with the local San Bushmen to learn fascinating bush skills.

Day 14: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 14: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 14: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Nature walk with local San bushman and translator.
Distance/time: ±550km, 7h30 actual driving time, an early start, good tarmac road but it’s a long way and with border formalities we expect a total travel day of ±8h30.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming in old quarry

Day 15, 16, 17 OKAVANGO DELTA [camping Bx3 Lx3 Dx2]

We camp in Maun for a night in preparation before journeying deep into the Okavango Delta on mekoro (dugouts) – an experience not to be missed. We camp wild on remote islands for 2 nights and enjoy bush walks, swimming and the birdlife in this pristine wilderness area.

Day 15: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 15: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 15: Dinner will be own expense
Day 16: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 16: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 16: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 17: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 17: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 17: Dinner provided by tour leaders with the help of the group

Includes: Entrance to Okavango Delta, morning and afternoon game walks with local guides.
Distance/time: Day 15: ±300km, 4h00 actual driving time, excluding a walk to meet the San Bushman and a stop on route to Maun for shopping we expect a travel day of 5h00.
Day 16: ±50km, 2h00 actual driving time to mekoro station. Mokoro ride to camp is dependent on campsite location so overall travel time for the day ±6h30.
Optional Activities: Scenic flight over the Okavango Delta (+/-USD95-120) pp depending on the number of people in each aircraft).
Overnight: Maun: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool, restaurant & bar.
2 nights Okavango Delta: Wild camping – basic camping facilities, with bucket showers. You will need to bring your own towel.

Day 18 MAKGADIKGADI PANS [camping BL-]

Feel the vastness of Africa under a big sky sunset. After the rains the pans fill with water and attract thousands of water birds and herds of zebra, wildebeest and springbok.

Day 18: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 18: Lunch provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 18: Dinner will be an own expense meal

Includes: Entrance fees to Makgadikgadi Pans.
Distance/time: ±370km, 6h00 actual travel time includes 4WD out of Okavango, and then flat tarmac to Nata, it’s a long day of ±9h00.
Overnight: Campsite – good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool, restaurant & bar.

Day 19 - 21 ZIMBABWE/ VICTORIA FALLS [lodge Bx3--]

Tour Victoria Falls, a natural wonder of the world, plunging into the Zambezi Gorge. Enjoy a sundowner river cruise on the mighty Zambezi or a spectacular “flight of angels” over the Falls (own expense).
Tour ends at 08:00am at the camp.

Day 19, 20, 21: Breakfast provided by tour leaders with the help of the group
Day 19, 20, 21: Lunch will be an own expense meal
Day 19, 20, 21: Dinner will be an own expense meal at a local restaurant
Includes: Entrance fees to Vic Falls.
Distance/time: ±400km, 5h00 actual travel time, relatively flat tarmac road, + what can be a slow border crossing, we aim to be in Vic Falls late in the afternoon after ±7h00 travel time.
Optional Activities: White water rafting, sunset cruises, scenic flights & many more.
Overnight: Lodge – 2-4 rooms sharing a bathroom, good ablution facilities with hot showers, swimming pool, restaurant & bar.

Please note: The distance and travel times quoted above are an estimate only, and subject to local road conditions and photo

Special Interest:
We include a walk in the Kalahari desert with a San Bushman guide to learn about these fascinating people and their ancient way of life.

Sustainable Tourism:
We visit the Okavango Delta with local guides from the Community Trust – all entrance, camping and guiding fees
go directly to the local people thus ensuring them a tourism income and sustainable protection of the



Ik reis alleen. Is er een single supplement?

Wanneer je alleen reist word je ingedeeld met iemand van hetzelfde geslacht. Wens je een eigen kamer? Per reis zijn er een paar eenpersoonskamers beschikbaar onder voorbehoud voor €480 p.p.

Welke valuta moet ik meenemen?

Voor deze tour is de ZAR het meest gangbaar. Een creditcard en pinpas wordt soms geaccepteerd in lodges, restaurants, activiteiten centra en supermarkten.

Zal ik een extra nacht voorafgaand aan de reis bijboeken?

We raden aan om de dag voor vertrek al aan te komen in Afrika. Deze boeken we op verzoek voor je bij (slaapzaal/dorm of eigen kamer).

Luchthaventransfer bijboeken?

We raden aan om via ons een luchthaven transfer bij aankomst te boeken. Iemand wacht je op met een naambordje. Hierdoor weet je dat je niet wordt opgelicht en naar de juiste accommodatie wordt gebracht.
