39 dagen – Klassieke component

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39 dagen
Kampeer Groepsreis
Nairobi - Victoria Falls
Kenia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Min leeftijd: 18+
Max deelnemers 28
Tour Details

Deze groepsreis start in Nairobi en eindigt bij de Victoria Watervallen in Zimbabwe. Tijdens deze groepsreis zie je game park na game park met als belangrijkste highlights de Masai Mara, Matopos, de Victoriawatervallen en Lake Malawi en als optionele activiteit de Serengeti en Zanzibar excursie. Je reist door maar liefst 5 landen: Kenia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia en Zimbabwe!

Download Tour Dossier


Sheldrick’s Elephant Orphanage • The Giraffe Park • Great Rift Valley • Masai MaraNakuru National ParkLake Naivasha • Elsamere for afternoon tea • Hippo cruise • Hells Gate National Park • Crater Lake Sanctuary • Maasai boma • Serengeti National Park (optional extra excursion)Ngorongoro Crater (optional extra)Zanzibar Island • Spice tour • Snorkeling and scuba diving • Mnemba Atoll • Prison Island and the giant tortoise • Dolphin boat cruise • Red colobus monkey trek • Mikumi National ParkLake Malawi • Horse riding • Matopos National ParkLake Kariba Houseboats •  Rhino trek • Victoria Falls • Whitewater rafting


Tenten en matrassen zijn inbegrepen en beschikken over muggengaas. Je dient zelf voor een slaapzak of beddengoed te zorgen. Neem een goedkoop muggennet mee als je buiten wilt slapen. Alle campings beschikken over goed sanitair en een bar. Soms is er ook een restaurant aanwezig, een winkeltje en internet. Bij ongeveer de helft van de campings heb je de mogelijkheid op te waarderen naar een chalet of hotelkamer tegen bijbetaling.


Minimum leeftijd is 18 jaar. De gemiddelde leeftijd ligt tussen de 18 – 39 jaar maar als je een open minded persoon bent tussen de 40 – 65 jaar en je vindt het niet erg om dagelijks in en uit de expeditie truck te klimmen, dan ben je meer dan welkom!


Download de Tour Informatie voor een complete lijst met Optionele Extra’s. De Serengeti en Ngorongoro Crater en Zanzibar zijn bij deze reis een optionele excursie en niet standaard inbegrepen.

Hotel Pickup

Vertrektijd ca. 8:30 uur vanaf het Heron Hotel te Nairobi of 09:15 uur vanaf Wildebeest Eco Camp, Nairobi

Start & Eindpunt

Nairobi – Victoria Falls


Vroeg in de ochtend op dag 1


  • Ontbijt & diner wanneer er op de truck gereisd wordt
  • BBQ in Arusha
  • Kampeerkosten
  • Volledige uitgeruste overland truck met koelkast, gas, tenten, slaapmatjes
  • Assistentie van de Engelstalige reisleider en chauffeur
  • Tol en wegenbelastingen
  • Entree van de Masai Mara • Nakuru National Park • Matopos neushoorn trekking • Lake Naivasha • South Luangwa NP• Great Zimbabwe Ruins
  • Dekking Garantie- en Calamiteitenfonds (NL only)


  • Lokale Kosten: US$620. Op deze reis is sprake van Lokale Kosten. De Lokale Kosten zijn verplicht en onderdeel van de totale prijs van de reis. Dit deel (US$) betaal je echter in Afrika tijdens de pre-departure meeting meestal op de eerste dag van de reis. De Lokale Kosten worden door je reisleider tijdens de reis gebruikt om bepaalde contante betalingen te verrichten - denk hierbij aan verse producten, kampeertoeslagen en entreegelden van nationale parken. Pinautomaten en elektronisch bankieren is helaas nog niet erg vanzelfsprekend in Afrika en daarom is dit voor jou de voordeligste en duurzaamste manier en het beste voor de lokale economie van Afrika. Dit systeem wordt al jaren gebruikt bij onze internationale groepsreizen. Mocht je het erg vervelend vinden om met zoveel contant geld te reizen, neem dan contact met ons op en wij zoeken naar de beste oplossing. Geen gedoe, geen Lokale Kosten? We bieden ook een aantal groepsreizen aan waarbij alles inclusief is. Je betaalt gewoon één vaste tourprijs waarbij alle excursies en drie maaltijden per dag inbegrepen zijn. Vraag ons welke reizen dat zijn!
  • Visumkosten
  • Persoonlijke uitgaven
  • Reis- en annuleringsverzekering
  • Vliegticket (op aanvraag bij te boeken)
  • Shuttle van/naar het vliegveld (op aanvraag bij te boeken)
  • Optionele extra's
  • Slaapzak en kussen
  • Drankjes
  • De 4 daagse Zanzibar excursie, Lake Kariba en de Serengeti/Ngorongoro krater zijn optionele extra's maar wel aanbevolen!

Days 1 – 2 Nairobi, Kenya to Nakuru

We meet from the two collection points in Nairobi on the morning of Day One. From here we leave Kenya’s bustling
modern capital to head up country, stopping at the Rift Valley Lookout on the way to enjoy the panoramic views. You may well
be tempted by the curio markets here, too.

Centred around the soda lake, Nakuru is the first game park on our itinerary. Famous for its flocks of both greater and lesser
flamingo, these beautiful creatures feed on algae and crustaceans in the lake. The park is also a sanctuary for black and white rhino, lion, waterbuck, buffalo and Rothschild’s giraffe to name but a few of the park’s inhabitants. Leopard can be
found in this park as well. We have a full day of game drives here in special safari vehicles.

Distance: 162 kms
Est. Drive Time: 4.5 hours

Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Included wildlife activity: Full day of game drives in Nakuru National Park.
Vehicle for game drives: 4×4 minivan with pop up roof

Optionals: Hells Gate National Park, Crater Lake Sanctuary, Elsamere for afternoon tea, hippo cruise

Days 3 - 4Nakuru to Naivasha

Today we stop over at a children’s orphanage we have been visiting for many years. We then travel on to set up camp by the freshwater lake of Naivasha for two nights.

Most choose to head to Elsamere in the afternoon to enjoy high tea on the grassy lawns under the huge yellow acacia trees overlooking the lake. A troop of black and white colobus monkeys often keep everyone entertained. Elsamere was the home of
George and Joy Adamson who are famous for their time with Elsa and the other lions portrayed in the movie “Born Free”.

The following day a visit to spectacular Hell’s Gate National Park is always popular. Rising from the floor of the Rift Valley, the towering cliffs and undulating grasslands of this relatively small park offers the rare opportunity to walk or cycle alongside herds of buffalo, zebra, eland, hartebeest, Thomson’s gazelle and giraffe.

A relatively waterless volcanic landscape of tortured basalt cliffs, stark rock towers and scrub-clad volcanoes, complete with
belching plumes of geothermal steam, the park has provided the backdrop to many a Hollywood movie. Most wildlife is found by
the waterholes, and community guides are available to assist with tours visiting the dramatic winding water-gouged gorge, the
Maasai Cultural Centre in the middle of the park and other features.

Alternatively a guided walk on the nature trail to the jade green Crater Lake set at the bottom of a small volcanic crater found on
the western shores of Lake Naivasha can be arranged. Here we can often see flamingo, as well as zebra, giraffe, eland, buffalo
and impala. We can finish the day on a hippo cruise – a fun and thrilling boat ride to enjoy the natural environment, thick with water lilies. Watch and listen for birdlife – storks, cranes, egret, ibis, pelicans and fish eagle – and of course the resident hippo.

You can also elect to do a guided walk with the cruise.

Distance, Day 3: 70 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 3: 3 hours incl. stop for shopping
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Optional excursions: Cycling in Hells Gate National Park, guided walk to Crater Lake Sanctuary, hippo cruise, Elsamere for
afternoon tea.

Optionals: The Giraffe Park, Sheldrick’s Animal Orphanage, balloon safari,

Day 5Naivasha to Loita Hills

This morning we leave Naivasha for Kenya’s most visited protected area, the Masai Mara reserve, which has been
declared one of the natural wonders of the world. We stop overnight at Loita Hills for a stay with the Maasai, East Africa’s
most renowned ancient people who proudly retain so many of their traditional ways.

This afternoon we walk in the hills with the warriors to learn about traditional life in the bush. We will also visit a woman’s
village and the local hot springs. Traditional dancing is performed, and in the evening we spend time with some of the
warriors around the fire to find out more about their culture.

Distance: 154 kms
Est. Drive Time: 5 hours incl. stop for shopping
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Optionals: 3 day/2 night safari: Afternoon and morning game drives in the Serengeti National Park, afternoon drive through the Ngorongoro Conservation area, morning game drives in Ngorongoro Crater.

Days 6 - 7Loita Hills to Masai Mara

Up early we have time for some “warrior training” this morning before we say goodbye to our Maasai hosts. Then we head on
to the Masai Mara, Kenya’s premier game park, for two days of game drives in special safari vehicles with a local guide.

The Mara is set on a remote plateau, and is perhaps best known for being part of the setting for the famous wildebeest migration, a mass movement of up to 1.5 million wildebeest, accompanied by 600,000 zebra and Thomson’s gazelle. The migration moves between the plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya. Numerous documentary teams have captured the treacherous river crossings of the Mara and Talek Rivers. Apart from ever watchful crocodiles found in and by the rivers, other predators, particularly lion, cheetah and hyena, closely follow the herds on their seasonal migrations adding to the drama. The Mara is particularly famous for its lion population as well as cheetah and leopard. On the months when the migration arrives any time from mid June vast herds can be regularly found on the grassy plains. The herds tend to stay on through to October by which time they are in the main heading back south to the Serengeti in Tanzania.

Regardless of the season there is always plenty to see in this world-renowned park. Apart from the migratory herds, and
predators, elephant and buffalo also wander the plains and fat pods of hippo wallow in the mud-brown rivers. There is a great
chance to see eland, warthog and giraffe as well as an immense variety of bird life with well over 550 recorded species
of bird noted here. There are also a few treasured rhino in the park that are very closely monitored as they are so endangered.

Distance, Day 6: 60 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 6: 2 hours to the park gate, then slow transit to camp
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Included wildlife activity: X1 morning and X2 afternoon game drives in the Masai Mara
Vehicle for game drives: 4×4 open Land cruiser with pop up roof

Optional excursion: Balloon safari

Days 8 - 9Masai Mara to Nairobi

Up early for our last game drives in the Mara we head out one more time wildlife spotting, before departing for the drive back to Nairobi.

The next day is a free day in Nairobi with the option to visit the Giraffe Centre and Sheldrick’s Elephant Orphanage in the morning.

Tonight we enjoy a hot shower and then head out for a fun night out in one of Nairobi’s famous restaurants.

Distance, Day 8: 300 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 8: Short morning game drive, then 6.5 hours to Nairobi incl. lunch stop and photo stops
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners (incl. contribution to night out)

Included wildlife activity: Morning game drive, Masai Mara
Vehicle for game drive: 4×4 landcruiser with pop up roof

Optional excursions: Meal out at a restaurant, Giraffe Centre, Sheldrick’s Elephant Orphanage

Day 10Nairobi, Kenya to Arusha, Tanzania

We head off on the drive across the Athi plains to the border into Tanzania and on to Arusha, the safari
capital of northern Tanzania.
Over the next three days there is the option available to visit what is known as the northern circuit which takes us into the world famous Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater. We finalise arrangements over dinner tonight at our camp in Arusha.

Distance: 278 kms
Est. Drive Time: 6 – 7 hours (depending on the border)
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Days 11 - 13Arusha camp

Optional safari into the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater

Three days are allocated to allow time for a safari into Tanzania’s world famous game parks –The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater – which most in the group choose to do.

Day 11: Rising early, those going on safari head out with a local guide in the 4×4 vehicles that have pop up roofs. Our journey heads to the Ngorongoro Gate, and through the Conservation Area in transit to Serengeti where we have 24 hours. Across these two parks – the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater – wildlife viewing is regularly exceptional.

Once in the Serengeti we see the famous kopjes, small hills of rocks from where lions dozing in the sun nonchalantly oversee the surrounds, keeping an eye out for their next meal. Multi-coloured agama lizards can also be seen basking in the sun and golden jackal tussle over a kill in the grasses.

The Serengeti is a continuation of the same ecosystem across which the spectacular wildebeest migration travels, a mass movement driven by the rains, and the herds’ endless search for water and good grazing. To encounter one of the countless wildebeest herds in a bleating, snorting dust – kicking motion on the famous migration moving across “Siringet” the “endless plains” is an experience of a lifetime.

We spend the night camped within the Serengeti with the sounds of the African bush around us. It is quite an experience to be in a tent with just the canvas between you and any wildlife that is out there.

Day 12: Game viewing is often at its best early in the day, so we rise early again to explore more of the Serengeti.

We leave the famous Serengeti plains by mid afternoon to enter more mountainous terrain.

Our drive is also taking us through Maasai lands as well, and the traditional herdsmen can be seen throughout the region. En route we stop to visit a Maasai boma.

Tonight we camp near the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater. We are at altitude here, so wrap up warm tonight.

Day 13: This morning we are up before sunrise to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The Crater is a perfectly intact volcanic caldera and known as the ‘Noah’s ark’ of game reserves. During our morning game drives we might view the ‘big 5’, lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo, as well as plains game peacefully grazing including zebra, gazelle, impala and wildebeest. Hippopotamus can usually be found lolling in the pools and Lake Magadi can be rimmed with the pink of greater and lesser flamingo.

During our safari depending on our timing we can stop over in local markets where Maasai display their ebony carvings, spears and beadworks for those who wish to do some shopping.

For those that don’t head out on this set of safaris you can relax in camp and spend time in Arusha which has busy markets, a shopping mall, coffee shops and internet. A camel safari can be arranged to visit a Maasai village as well as a visit to Shanga, a social entreprise community based bead factory. You can visit in the extensive Maasai Cultural Centre and Museum, and visit the Snake Park which has a large collection of reptiles as well as a Maasai display.

Back in Arusha we all enjoy a group barbecue to celebrate.

Distance, Day 11: 175 kms to the Conservation Area gate
Distance, Day 13: 175 kms from the Conservation Area gate
Est. Drive Time, Day 11: 3 to 4 hours
Est. Drive Time, Day 13: 3 to 4 hours
Meals, Day 11: X1 Breakfast
Meals, Day 12: None
Meals, Day 13: X1 Dinner

Optional excursions for Days 11 to 13: Three day/two night safari with game drives in both the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in open top 4×4 vehicles (incl. x2 dinners, x3 lunches, x2 breakfasts), Balloon safari, Maasai boma visit, Olduvai Gorge Museum

(Please note this visit is dependent on road conditions and time constraints. We also require advance notice prior to the tour departure).

Days 14 – 15Arusha to Marangu

mountain in the world.
Here we spend two nights and have the opportunity to explore, including the option to take a day hike to Mandara Hut, 2,700 kms from the base of the mountain. This is a beautiful walk through tropical forest and on clear days there are special views of both the Kibo and Mawenzi peaks of the mountain.

Alternatively there is the chance to do a day tour of the Marangu area to visit the village to learn more of local life, to visit a coffee plantation and a nearby waterfall.

Distance, Day 14: 120 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 14: +/- 3 hours
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Optional excursions: Kilimanjaro day hike, Marangu day tour

Day 16Marangu to Bagamoyo or Dar es Salaam

We continue our journey south, travelling through lush surroundings and the stunning Usambara mountain range, before sleeping over at a coastal campsite either in Bagamoyo or in Dar es Salaam 70 kms further south. Bagamoyo itself was one of the first landing points for the Arabian slavers.

We make final preparations for the optional excursion on Zanzibar Island. The core arrangements are made well ahead of time so we are assured our groups are comfortable in the popular beach cottages to the north of the island at Kendwa and for a night in a local lodge in the traditional capital. The time is yours to relax and do as you please. The tour leader travels over to the island with the group as well to ensure that all runs smoothly.

Distance: 485 kms (545 kms if to Dar)
Est. Drive Time: 9 – 10 hours incl. lunch stop (11 – 12 if to Dar es Salaam)
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Optional excursion: Note for those who want to get to Zanzibar early there is the option of flying to Zanzibar to give you an extra night at the beach, rather than staying on the truck for the drive to the coast.

Note that this needs to be pre booked as early as possible. Contact us for prices and more information.

Days 17 – 20Optional stay on Zanzibar Island

You now have the opportunity to have a break from camping and truck life for five days on Zanzibar during which you can relax and enjoy all on offer on this tropical paradise.

The tour leader travels over to the island with all those who book to visit the island to ensure that all runs smoothly. We make the core arrangements well ahead of time, so we are assured our groups are comfortable in popular beach cottages to the north of the island and for a night in a Lodge in the traditional capital, Stone Town.

Heading north we arrive at the palm fringed white sand beaches at Kendwa to check into our beach accommodation – swim and snorkel off Kendwa in the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean, enjoy some beach volley ball and locally caught fresh seafood.

For those that want to snorkel further afield a snorkelling excursion to Prison Island with its Aldabra giant tortoise can be arrange, as well as to Mnemba Atoll. Scuba diving can be arranged from one of the Dive Centres. Another popular option is to explore the mangrove walkways of Jozani Forest and view the rare red colobus monkeys.

On the last day we spend time in the traditional capital, Stone Town including a short spice tour to find out a little about the spice trade that dominated the island’s history, as well as the slave trade.

Distance, Day 17: 60 kms Bagamoyo to Dar es Salaam
Est. Drive Time, Day 17: Up to 2 hours Bagamoyo to Dar es Salaam
Meals, Day 17: X1 Breakfast

Optional excursions whilst on Zanzibar: Stone Town City tour, snorkelling, scuba diving, Mnemba Island, Turtle Sanctuary visit, Prison Island with a visit to the Aldabra tortoise, Jozani Forest to view the red colobus monkeys

Day 21Zanzibar Island to Morogoro

We leave Zanzibar Island today and transfer via ferry to the mainland to rejoin the truck and to start our journey south. We have an overnight stop in Morogoro.

Distance: 194 kms
Est. Drive Time: 6 hours
Meals: X1 Dinner

Day 22Morogoro to Iringa

The next day we travel through Mikumi National Park, where we often see elephant, giraffe, zebra and antelope from the roadside. We pass through Baobab Valley with its ancient and monumental baobab trees dominating the scenery on our way to our overnight campsite at the Old Farmhouse in Iringa.

Distance: 310 kms
Est. Drive Time: 9 hours incl. lunch stop
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Days 23 - 26Iringa to Kande, Malawi

We are travelling now in the cooler mountainous region of the southern Rift Valley before crossing into Malawi, the ‘warm heart of Africa’ to camp by Lake Malawi on a couple of its popular beaches. Lake Malawi is the third largest lake in Africa, taking up 20% of Malawi’s total landmass and created by the chasm provided by the Great Rift Valley.

Known as “the Heart of Africa” you will be struck by the warm welcome we receive here as well, despite Malawi being one of the poorest countries en route. We have the chance to visit a couple of local schools and this is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in traditional village life. Try bartering too with local craftsmen selling beautiful carvings including the traditional Malawi chairs, and enjoy sharing in a village meal during our stay.

We can fish, as well as try a variety of water sports, including snorkeling, hiring a pedalo, canoeing and scuba diving. Lake Malawi contains an unprecedented variety of aquatic life, such as the brightly coloured mbuna cichlid fish. Scuba diving and snorkelling are popular excursions here – activities that have been described as comparable to diving into a fish tank! Horse riding in and by the lake is also very popular. Kande Beach particularly is a popular stop for a party. The Malawi markets are also the markets to raid for the latest in fashion attire if the group decides on an Absolute Bad Taste Party.

Distance, Day 23: 498 kms
Distance, Day 24 or 25: 235 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 23: 12 hours incl. lunch and fuel stop and depending on the border
Est. Drive Time, Day 24 or 25: +/- 5 hours incl. stop for shopping
Meals: X4 Breakfasts, X4 Dinners

Optional excursions: Water sports, including snorkelling, canoeing, scuba diving and pedalo hire, horse riding, village walk, wood carving lesson.

Days 27 – 28Lake Malawi to South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

We travel to Zambia today, heading for one of the country’s treasures – South Luangwa National Park. Slightly off the beaten track, Luangwa is a stunning national park with high populations of game, including 60 different animal species and 400 different bird species.

On our full day in the park, we have time to relax by the pool and enjoy the wonderful African bush surrounds, with the chance for a game drive or walk in the morning and also in the evening. The evening drive gives you the chance to see some of Africa’s nocturnal and more elusive animals such as the leopard and genet.

Distance, Day 27: 600 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 27: +/- 11 hours (depending on the border) and incl. stops for shopping and lunch
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Included wildlife activity: X1 game drive in South Luangwa National Park
Vehicle for game drive: Open 4×4 safari vehicle

Optional excursions: Extra game drive or walk, South Luangwa National Park

Days 29 - 30South Luangwa to Lusaka

We now make our way towards the capital. Upon reaching Lusaka on day 30, we have a chance to get to internet, the bank and also stock up on supplies in a large supermarket.

Distance over two days: 560 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 29: +/- 6 hours incl. stop for lunch and shopping
Est. Drive Time, Day 30: +/- 6 hours
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Day 31 – 32Lusaka to Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe

Optional stay on Lake Kariba houseboats

From Lusaka we travel to the Kariba border and cross into Zimbabwe. Arriving at Lake Kariba we hire a houseboat to set sail into Matusadona National Park.

The houseboat allows us two nights away from the truck and camp life again, relaxing on the man-made Lake Kariba. The houseboat crew prepare our meals and the boats have bedrooms, a swimming cage (so you are protected from crocodile!), a jacuzzi and an entertainment area. We travel whilst on the houseboat into Matusadona National Park, which was a refuge established for animals saved when the valley was flooded. Watch game by the water’s edge – elephant, water buck and gazelles, crocodile and hippo, and fish from the tender boat for the ferocious tiger fish. The sunsets across the lake are truly nforgettable.
This is nature at its best, as dawn breaks though the stark silhouettes of the driftwood trees, the silence only broken by the haunting cry of a fish eagle.
The boats have bedrooms, a jacuzzi and the houseboat crew cook our meals, so this is a fun change from camping and life on the road.

Distance, Day 31: 208 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 31: 4 to 5 hours depending on the border and incl. photo stop Lake Kariba dam wall.
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Optional excursion: Houseboat cruise on Lake Kariba

Days 33 - 34Lake Kariba to Great Zimbabwe Ruins

We drive via Chinoyi to the Great Zimbabwe Ruins – the remains of the ancient capital of the Shona people which was constructed between the 11th – 15th century. There are three main areas of ruins known as Dzimba dzamabwe (“stone houses”) from which modern-day Zimbabwe gained its name. These were formed using the dry stone technique, completely without mortar. The term “Great” distinguishes these rock constructs as different to smaller formations in the region and Great Zimbabwe are known to be the largest collection and most impressive ruins south of the Sahara.

Distance, Day 33: 249 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 33: +/- 6 hours incl. shopping stop
Distance, Day 34: 440 kms
Est. Drive Time, Day 34: 9 hours incl. shopping and lunch stops
Meals: X2 Breakfasts, X2 Dinners

Day 35Great Zimbabwe Ruins to Bulawayo

This morning we have a guided tour of the ruins before continuing our way to the city of Bulawayo.

Distance: 307 kms
Est. Drive Time: 3 – 4 hours
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Included Activity: Visit to Great Zimbabwe with guided tour

Day 26Bulawayo

Here we head out for game drives and a rhino trek in Matopos National Park. Set in hauntingly beautiful terrain, formed over 2 billion years ago, we head out on safari to trek to see rhino here with one of Zimbabwe’s most knowledgeable professional guides.

This is an area of spectacular scenery of large, balancing granite boulders, for which Mzilikazi, founder of the Ndebele nation, gave the area its name which is believed to mean ‘Bald Heads’ by some.

Cecil Rhodes and several other leading early white settlers are buried amongst the rocky outcrops. There are also very special San Bushmen cave paintings found in the hills. The Park is home to both, black and white rhino, giraffe, hippo, leopard and has a wonderful amount of birdlife including a large black eagle population.

Distance: 0 kms
Est. Drive Time: 0 hours
Meals: X1 Breakfast, X1 Dinner

Included wildlife activities: Game drive and rhino trek in Matopos National Park.
Vehicle for game drive: Open 4×4 safari vehicle

Optional excursions: Extra game drives in Matopos National Park, Afternoon visit to rock paintings and Cecil Rhodes’ grave or a Ndebele Village.

Day 37Bulawayo to Victoria Falls

Our final drive brings us to ‘Mosi-Oa-Tunya’, ‘the smoke that thunders’. The Falls provide breathtaking views of sheer drops and raging waters. Mists from the Falls rise meters into the air and water a lush tropical rainforest on the rim.

Distance: 438 kms
Est. Drive Time: +/- 7 hours incl. a stop for lunch
Meals: X1 Breakfast

Days 38 - 39Victoria Falls

Our last few days allow time to enjoy all the area has to offer – from adrenalin- activities to sunset cruises gliding on the placid waters. Try white water rafting in the gorge, a bungee jump or gorge swing, abseil or take a flight in a small craft over the Falls known as ‘The Flight of the Angels’.

Wander the rainforest beside the Falls and explore the different views of the Falls along the way. Horse riding is also on offer. There are also a good number of bars and restaurants, and a variety of markets. This is the perfect place to enjoy the last few days of your overland adventure.

Distance: 0 kms
Est. Drive Time: 0 hours
Meals: None

Optional excursions: Whitewater rafting, riverboard, bungee jump, gorge swing, flying fox and zip line, ‘Flight of the Angels’, canoe trip, horse riding, a sundowner cruise

Please note: Itineraries are given as a guide only. A safari is a journey and true journeys unfold. They are of an adventurous nature. The unexpected can arise, so do allow for this. Feel free to give us a call about your safari plans. We look forward to having you onboard.



Ik reis alleen. Krijg ik dan een eigen tent?

Je deelt in principe een tent met een medereiziger van hetzelfde geslacht. Op aanvraag kunnen we een verzoek doen voor een eigen tent. Hiervoor hoef je niets extra’s te betalen.

Welke valuta moet ik meenemen?

Voor deze tour is de USD het meest gangbaar. Een creditcard wordt soms geaccepteerd in lodges, restaurants, activiteiten centra en supermarkten.

Moet ik een extra nacht boeken voorafgaand aan de reis?

We raden aan om de dag voor vertrek al aan te komen in Afrika. Deze boeken we op verzoek voor je bij (slaapzaal/dorm of eigen kamer).

Luchthaven transfer

We raden aan om via ons een luchthaven transfer bij aankomst te boeken. Iemand wacht je op met een naambordje. Hierdoor weet je dat je niet wordt opgelicht en naar de juiste accommodatie wordt gebracht.
