Lion tracking

Lion tracking is more of a research


Lion research tracking is an adventure exciting activity that is only done in Queen Elizabeth National Park. You drive off road in search for the tree climbing lions (Ishasha) or leopards (north). To protect the wildlife, only a limited number of people are allowed to do the tracking, to not disturb the wildlife.

The lion research tracking activity is operated by the Uganda carnivore project that works together with the Uganda Wildlife authority to monitors the reaming populations, behavior and movement of the lions in all national parks. The body is in charge of other carnivores such as the nocturnal leopards, cheetahs, hyenas among others. A maximum of four travelers who paid with lion research tracking activity join the Uganda carnivores project researchers to participate in the awesome lion tracking experience.

Lion research tracking experience gives travelers an insight to come closer to the gentle beautiful lions and leopards in the wild thus travelers will get an advantage of taking clear photos and videos of the king of the jungle for about one to three hours while taking off tracks.

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