What to expect when joining an group tour to Africa!
We don’t do lazy bus holidays and this is for sure not a fancy “sit on your bum and be served” holiday.
THIS IS ADVENTURE!!! THIS IS LIFE!!! This is where it gets real!!! We do active, participation, get out and get dirty kind of ADVENTURES.
In Africa we say “You can take a donkey to the water BUT you can’t make it drink” The same goes for our ADVENTURE TOURS!!! We take you to ALL the highlights of the countries we visit, we organise the best and most fun GROUP activities on the block, we give you the BEST TRUCK to explore these places, the BEST GUIDES to show you around and great opportunities to meet NEW PEOPLE from around the world. The success of the tour depends on what YOU DO WITH IT!!!
– Our tours are created for you to explore things together as a group. Therefore we need to respect the people we travel with. Our common language on tour is ENGLISH. Make an effort in being social and to integrate with the whole group as well as your guide throughout the tour. You will need to speak English and respect others on tour.
– We all use the same truck and it basically becomes your home during the tour. Make sure to keep YOUR HOUSE clean. This is YOUR responsibility. Sweep it out every now and then and throw out YOUR RUBBISH. You will need to keep the truck clean.
– We all like good food right? So help out in the kitchen!!! If you don’t help with the cooking, you can’t complain about the food. You will need to help prepare food.

– Had a clean plate to eat out of? Great, now it’s time to help with some dishes so you can have another clean plate for your next meal. You’ll have to help out in the kitchen with cooking and cleaning. A CLEAN KITCHEN IS A HEALTHY KITCHEN – Don’t worry, it won’t be YOUR TURN every night. You will need to do dishes.
– Where do we sleep? In the tent you set up yourself. You make your own bed at home right? Setting up a tent is as easy as one, two, ZzZzZzZzZz.
You will need to put up your own tent.
– Be on time!!! If you’re late for activities or departure times, the whole day becomes a race which means you’ll either have to shorten your next activity or skip it completely. Our guides have done these tours many times and if they ask you to be ready by 08h00, BE THERE!!! You need to listen to your guide.
– Participate, help out, involve yourself in the tour and the general duties you can expect on a tour like this. Make a fire, get the chairs, collect some wood, and make a salad that will make Gordon Ramsay weep. Be PRO-ACTIVE!
You will need to participate.
– If there is something wrong on tour or there is something you are not happy about, TALK to your guide about it. If for some reason you cannot talk to your guide about it you need to INFORM one of our managers OR phone the Head Office IMMEDIATELY. We will gladly fix the problem but you need to say something when it happens. NO point in saying something when the tour is over and we cannot fix it. We will not listen to complaints two weeks after the tour so SPEAK UP!
For a full list of information and details on YOUR VISA requirements, currencies, logistics, packing lists and additional information with regards to your tour, please read our PRE-DEPARTURE info carefully and make sure you understand it.
We look forward to taking you on tour!